~/archiben wrote:
Joseph wrote:
Thanks Ben,
If my server is one of my workstations (do not have a dedicated server yet) would that change anything?
no - provided all files are looking to that volume for their libraries . . .
have you tried 'sharepoints'? it's a small shareware application that taps into OSX's hidden file sharing features and lets you use a normal OSX system/workstation as a file server . . .
Hi Again,
I do not want to pull my hair out since not much is left! But it still does not work, this is my setup:
I have a MacBook & PPC G5, the PPC G5 has my office library & the project specific library on it. Both hard dives are named Mac HD (and made sure I rename the root project folders of my projects and libraries different on the MacBook than the PPC G5)
Now when I load the project on the MB, the AC Library loads fine but library manager pops up asking for office library & the project specific library which I point to the network drive (PPC G5) and I save the project to the network on PPC G5 drive.
Now when I go to PPC G5 to load the project on its drive, library manager pops up asking for office library & the project specific library and again I point to the PPC G5 location of these files and save the project. Going back to MacBook the cycle starts again.....
I am going crazy. I am sure others do networking, what am I doing wrong!!??? (I am using the universal version of AC10)
Also how could "sharepoints" help me? Just do not add another confused person to the world if I am not already.