Vertex BD is a rather expensive building/architectural piece of software. the initial cost of one seat is roughly 4 times the cost of 1 seat of AC 11. It's number 1 feature that makes people willing to pay so much is the ability to create one base house and then create various options for it pretty much to your hearts content. We regularly have models with between 4 and 9 different front elevations. We've had projects (based off 1 base house) that have as many as 80-90 different options. Almost all of the projects we work with will have multiple options that interact with each other as well as the various elevations. We also have the ability to create as many sub-options as necessary. Some examples might be as little as a bump out at the back of the house, a different size dishwasher in the kitchen, an optional fireplace in the living room or they might be as big as 2 garages on the same house that increase from holding 3 cars to holding 5, the entire front elevation changing not only wall types, windows, trims and roof design but even the basic foot print, or having an optional second flr.
Once an optioned house is complete the client can select the options they want and usually within 1 hour we can return a complete construction set showing only the options they selected ready to go to the field.
The flexibility Vertex offers with optioning allows us to make updates or changes once and have it effect all occasions when that option is chosen.
As far as the "out of the box features" the base Vertex product includes framing, panelization, ability to create new objects either by modeling in 3d or by writing script and has the same parametric abilities as AC, and a wide library of most components used on a model from various exterior trims, appliances, mechanical, electrical, to fancy windows and doors and furnishing. It has built in commands allowing you to select one or more doors and windows select from a list of trims and trim is automatically placed. Same for roofs, select one or all of the roof slabs and select a trim and it is automatically placed or the user can place it one piece at a time. It also has wide selection of roofing techniques allowing very quick creation of complex roofs.
I could go on but this is already way more info than you were probably looking for. Here's a url if you want to know more.
Sorry for the long post, I have not met anyone on this forum who seems to have even heard about Vertex BD. I could probably write an equally long post singing the praises of ArchiCAD which says alot since I have about 12 days of AC11 trial version under my belt. (The two-weeks using 8.0 doesn't really count