As the creator of MasterTemplate (
) along with architect Scott Bulmer, I have a unique perspective on the long-term development of a template system. We have migrated our template forward from ArchiCAD 11 through each successive version and recently released MasterTemplate 16.
As I recall, the technical issue that Steven encountered had to do with some markers (elevation or section I think) that were not behaving properly and could not be changed out for some reason. Graphisoft refused to help the firm with the problem, stating that they "do not support third party products."
The issue was very specific and "localized" - we have had no other reports of this problem from other users. As I recall, I suggested deletion and replacement of the markers in the template and the placement of the newly recreated Views onto Layout sheets, which should have been a quick process.
Steven's firm was hesitant to continue working with the template, being nervous about Graphisoft's statement that they could not give them tech support on the issue because it had to do with a third party product. They decided to abandon ship, and I issued them a partial refund - they did not want a full refund because they said they had learned a lot from studying the template setup.
Our experience overall is that MasterTemplate has been durable and continues to provide a robust platform for over 700 firms that have chosen it as their office standard. It has hundreds of hours of development and study, and packs into a relatively compact 18 megabytes a huge amount of resources, including our innovative Interactive Legends, a set of over 400 commonly used elements that can be eye-dropped to quickly retrieve Favorite settings. Many users report dramatic improvements in productivity after switching from the standard Graphisoft template or their own template to MasterTemplate.
There is one other issue of note that came up with MasterTemplate that affects other templates and project files, whether migrated to new versions or not. Graphisoft said it was "our problem" but I have verified that it absolutely is not.
In a Worksheet in MasterTemplate that is used to access the Interactive Legends, we have saved a couple of dozen Zooms (using the little popup menu found just to the right of the percentage indicator in the navigation area at the bottom left of each window). This little-used feature is quite convenient for zooming to frequently accessed parts of the project; in this case we use it to jump to different sections of the Legends (e.g. wall types, windows, cabinets and furniture, etc.).
Normally, one can delete or rename these saved Zooms using that same popup menu. However, we have had reports from users that it is not possible to do this with the Zooms in the Legend worksheet, and at least one of them asked Graphisoft about it. As in the incident with Steven, Graphisoft said "it's not our problem" and laid the "blame" on MasterTemplate being based on legacy files.
During later investigation, I learned that this is a bug caused when the worksheet window is resized from the original dimensions. This can happen at any time when a user repositions palettes and adjusts window sizes. I was able to reproduce this issue with a standard Graphisoft-issued template by simply saving a Zoom, then resizing the window.
Ultimately, Graphisoft has limited resources and has to draw the line on tech support for problems that they feel that they did not cause or control. As with other software and hardware companies, they have on occasion seen an issue and called it "somebody else's problem." It is important not to misinterpret this to mean "all third party products are risky" or that (specifically) "MasterTemplate has an issue because it is based on legacy files."
While it would be technically possible to recreate MasterTemplate every time Graphisoft releases a new version, it would be rather time-consuming. We have put a LOT of time into creating a robust structure and fine-tuning it, and it would take a while to set everything up again.
In general, as I said, we have not had any complaints from other users, so I'm confident that the situation with Steven's firm was caused by some other issue rather than a symptom of a larger problem.
From the statements of Karl and Rick, two of the most experienced ArchiCAD users you're ever likely to find, it seems that in general, migration of templates from version to version is safe and effective.
FYI - a few weeks ago on a LinkedIn discussion I wrote up an extensive description of the process I recommend for migrating a project file or a template from one version to another:
I got some great feedback on this post, including having Jared Banks Tweet it out to his list. I imagine that anyone reading this discussion here on ArchiCAD-Talk may find it of interest.
Eric Bobrow