Project data & BIM
About BIM-based management of attributes, schedules, templates, favorites, hotlinks, projects in general, quality assurance, etc.

make it visible! how to :)

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ok guys heres the deal:
we have two walls one (a) straight 150cm high, second (b) 340cm high inclined (80degree angle), using solid element operations i sub (a) from (b)... i get this in 3d and section: (pic 1, 2 and 3) which is fine, but i cant seem to fin a way to make it visible in plan view (pic 4) 😕 (btw the wall (a) is on a hidden layer)

im running ac13edu on a mac... latest built, dowloaded yesterday
thanks in advance for your help

Zrzut ekranu 2009-11-30 (godz. 18.21.47).png
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pic 2
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pic 3
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pic 4 no cut out visible cryin out loud
Erika Epstein
Is your void made with SEO?
Architect, Consultant
MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch Yosemite 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Mac OSX 10.11.1
Onuma System

"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"
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yes it was made using solid element operations (seo)
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Hi Hal,

SEOs don't display on plan I'm afraid. Have you tried placing an empty opening using the door or window tool instead of an SEO? This should be visible on plan, and display properly with the sloping wall. What is the hole representing in reality?
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i doesnt represent anything, i am just exploring the limitations af archicad ... do you know if it will handel a gdl object of such shape properly?
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suckz!!! the empty window doesnt work, it only show the cut plane, doesnt show anything in the back
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Yes, a GDL object can be made to display on plan exactly what is visible in 3d. A 'project2' or 'project2{2}' command in the 2d script will automatically give an accurate 2d view.