CodeMeter Error Codes

Marton Kiss

Error code 101

Protection key not found or not valid

Possible causes

  • CodeMeter key is not connected to the computer
  • The USB slot is not working properly
  • There are missing USB drivers
  • There is no network connection or ARCHICAD can not locate the license on the server

Error Code 230

General error code - protection key not found

Possible causes

  • No network connection to CodeMeter key server - check firewall settings (port 22350 needs to be open)
  • CodeMeter service is not running - check if CodeMeterMacX appears in the Activity Monitor Process list (Mac) or CodeMeterCC appears in Windows Task Manager

Error Code 267

  • This error message may come when borrowing a license from ARCHICAD
  • The source of this error is that the CodeMeter service is not properly running on the server computer. To fix this uninstall the CodeMeter driver on the server computer and then install it again. Before uninstalling the driver make sure that there aren't any licenses in borrowed state. If you have such, return them or wait until the end of the expiration. You can find a setup guide here: CodeMeter/Server

Error code 503

All available ARCHICAD licenses are being used, please try to launch ARCHICAD later

Possible causes

  • CodeMeter driver is not installed on the computer
  • The key's language code is different from the language version of the ARCHICAD
  • A local key is plugged into the server which can not work as a network key

Error code 970017

Protection key not found or not valid when running ARCHICAD versions before v13

Possible causes

  • CodeMeter enabler is not installed
  • CodeMeter key is not connected to the computer
  • The USB slot is not working properly
  • There are missing USB drivers
  • There is no network connection or ARCHICAD can not locate the license on the server
  • CodeMeter key has got a borrowed license
CodeMeter enabler can be downloaded from here: CodeMeter enabler download page For general troubleshooting see: CodeMeter/Troubleshooting

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