Thanks for the reply Enrico, I look forward to your other blog posts.
Adam, I couldn't make it to the conference as I was too busy with the designer course and getting ready for the exam (no idea if I passed!)
Malcolm Isaacs gave us a quick demonstration of DesignPH. It looks great and simple. Since I'm a sole proprietor and put out big dollars for ArchiCAD, I was just sort of hoping that I would be able to do something similar in ArchiCAD to avoid modeling the project twice.
I haven't been able to get any answers on whether or not the new EcoDesigner Star will do proper calculations for export to PHPP. I'd like to know if the thermal bridge calculations are compatible (do they use the correct standard? Are they calculating to the exterior? Are the results similar to that achieved in Therm or Heat2? Can you change the boundary conditions? etc.)
Also, using standard ArchiCAD tools, are there simple ways of calculating treated floor area, ventilation volume, etc.? Enrico mentions above he uses fills, and that's simple enough, but I was hoping to automate things a little simpler to be more efficient. I probably just need to learn how to use zones more accurately to include doorway openings and such. But can it apply reduction factors to lower ceiling areas, etc?
ArchiCAD 26; Windows 11; Intel i7-10700KF; 64GB RAM, GeForce GTX 3060