The Teamwork Communication error indicates that the discovery service of the Teamwork Server is not available for that client. The following causes are possible:
1. The client can not reach the server through port 6005 (default discovery port in the BIM Server preferences) May the port is not opened on one of the computers. You can easily check this with telnet.
2. May you have changed the discovery port in the server but did not set each clients accordingly. The same port has to be set in the Client ArchiCADs in the Work Environment on Network and Update tab.
3. Other network or network configurational error.
The communication via the discovery port uses UDP as well (besides TCP/IP) what has to be allowed on each router, server between the client and the BIM Server computer.
If the server runs on a normal OS not on a server type it can limit the number of the current TCP/IP connections to 128. Increasing this limit to 512 or 1024 could help. In case of OS X we recommend this article: which gives a description how to do this.
Generally teamwork functions are independent from the discovery function so they still work when the discovery service of the server is not available.