Teamwork & BIMcloud
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Teamwork Library queries

Not applicable
1) When I join a teamworked project (AC13) I understand it builds a local copy of the file - does it build local copies of the associated BIM server libraries as well? (context - remote working via VPN)

2) Also, I know how to upload a library to the BIM server but how does one go about updating a BIM server library? (context - Hotfix library updates)
David Larrew
1. Yes, it creates and stores a cache for the loaded BIM Server Libraries in the user settings location.

2. "Manage BIM Server Libraries" in the "File/Libraries and Objects" pull-down menu. The command you are looking for is "Refresh". Also be sure to "Reload" the BIM Server Libraries in your projects after the update.
David Larrew, AIA, GDLA, GSRC

Architectural Technology Specialist

a r c h i S O L U T I O N S

WIN7-10/ OSX 10.15.7

AC 5.1-25 USA
Not applicable
Thanks David,

'Refresh' presumably means just that. But how does one go about actually updating the BIM server library with an Archicad library hotfix for example prior to the refresh?
David Larrew
Update your Library with the Hotfix (replacing the \Graphisoft\ArchiCAD 13\ArchiCAD Library 13). Then update the BIM Server Library with the "Refresh".
David Larrew, AIA, GDLA, GSRC

Architectural Technology Specialist

a r c h i S O L U T I O N S

WIN7-10/ OSX 10.15.7

AC 5.1-25 USA