Teamwork & BIMcloud
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Use of Bimcloud for all stored resources in Archicad?

Jim Allen

We have a multi-platform environment in my office, using Macs and PCs. Until Bimcloud (we use the SAAS version) we had a bit of a problem with library paths between Macs and PCs.


Although that is now resolved, we are moving towards replacing our domain-based servers with Sharepoint.


You can map a Sharepoint site as a drive on Windows, and you can get utilities to do it on a Mac, but what seems to me to be a better idea would be to have the ability to load resources fin the Attribute Manager from Bimcloud.


For example all our templates, materials, favourites, surfaces, hatches, linetypes, pensets could all be hosted on Bimcloud and loaded from there.


Is this possible at the moment, and to what extent would it be feasible to load these resources from Bimcloud?

Archicad 28 UKI | OS X 14.7 Sonoma