Ted wrote:
Maybe a step-by-step of sign-in, save PLC (local or net), draft, send/receive, draft, etceteras, etceteras would help me get my workflow thinking in line with yours. We have eight users and the majority of our projects are shared, so any gains are really very helpful.
in our setup we have the libraries required located on a server in 2 'tiers':
1 archiCAD library + office library
2 a folder full of job specific libraries
when sharing the project, the team leader/administrator sets up the file to point to these server libraries. next, a team leader/team mate signs in, loading the default libraries for the project
from the server, as set at the point the project is shared.
once signed in and the draft saved, the team mate then uses 'library manager' to enable library caching, see attached screenshot. (i know that it is supposedly possible to enable cache libraries using the sign-in dialogue box at the point of signing in, but i have had mixed results using that and prefer to do it manually this way.)
if you haven't previously created a cache library for that user/machine, archiCAD will ask if you want to create the folder. click yes.
what happens now is that archiCAD copies the contents of the libraries into a folder in the home users directory:
<machine name>/<users name>/Library/Caches/Graphisoft/Local Cache Library/<yourlibraries>
i can't remember if archiCAD copies them immediately or if it happens at the next send and receive . . .
the location of the cache library is then saved
in the teamwork draft preference file,
<machine name>/<users name>/Preferences/Graphisoft/AC 8.1.0 v1/<username filename.PREFS>
so if you work on more than 1 draft file, the cache libraries need to be set up individually for each project file in order for the preferences to be saved - BUT archiCAD won't create duplicates of libraries in the cache if a library has already been cached for another project.
every time archiCAD opens that teamwork draft, or signs into that teamwork file, or the user sends changes, archiCAD looks at the server libraries, compares them with the local cache, updates if necessary and then loads up the local cache copy. this has cut library load times down from about 2 minutes to 15 seconds here. i'm guessing that it uses the "LibraryEnumerationCache.dat" files in the libraries as a way of synchronising much in the same way as basic backup software.
must understand, however, that for all intents and purposes they are
using the libraries from the server: they must let archiCAD handle the cache side of things under the hood. in this way if somebody updates a library part, the update is firstly synchronised to the server as a part of the send and receive process. other users caches are updated when they next receive changes.
because of this, the library manager dialogue box pops up more often than usual (and more than necessary IMHO!). simply clicking 'done' suffices to clear it.
FYI we're using G4s (mirrored drives) and a G5 (all OSX 10.3.2), a 100baseT network switch, and an Xserve running OSX server 10.2.8.
hope this helps!
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