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"Reserve All" not working

Our office is having a problem with reserving parts of projects from the BIm server. we are working with AC20 4020 USA on windows, and BIMserver 4020 on MAC. We used the reserve all command and not all things are bein reserved also selecting things and doing a reserve selection on teamwork pallet and right clicking using reserve. restarted the BIM server and still the same problem. I also duplicated the project and all the stuff I cannot reserve is gone. however stuff that I did today is on there and able to be reserved

I haven't found any thread or help article. Help would be great
Gerald Acton "Gary"
Acton Design Services
Windows 10 PRO 64 bit
i7-5820K @ 3.30ghz 32GB Ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 4GB Ram
AC 19 - AC 28
Noemi Balogh
Community Admin
Community Admin

It can happen if these elements were some parts of a label or a dimension that the reservation become corrupted. These kind of elements usually belong to another one (e.g. a door, a wall), so when you reserve these elements you also reserve all its belongings. Another tip would be that maybe there is a "phantom" user in the project - someone who already left the project but the Manager still shows that they are joined. Because of that it can happen that elements which have been reserved by this user cannot be reserved again by another user at the same time.

So first of all I would check if every user is really joined into the project. Then I would ask everyone to leave the project (do not force leave them to make sure you avoid "phantom" users) and save a .PLN version of the actual state of the project (to prevent data loss). After you re-joined you should try to reserve all.

If there is a "phantom" user or you still cannot reserve all the elements, then I would Open & Repair the project then re-share it on the Server.


Noémi Balogh

Community Expert, Admin