If you are comfortable working in VIZ, then keep using it. It is capable and since you past the starting phase, you will now get rewarded for learning the thing.
The point is, whatever you use: VIZ/max, Lightwave, Cinema4D, Maya, XSI, ... you can get perfectly acceptable results in any of them. It is depending on you, as a user and as an artist.
That said, I have done 'some' comparions on
Check the render study and also the Tutorials section. Maybe there is something that can help you.
On a personal note, I have started doing renderings in the old 3DStudio for DOS and did not get good results out of it. I got my AutoCAD models over and did get some textures onto the geometry, but the renderings were flat and unappealing. Then I have been working in an architects office and used VectorWorks & Strata3D and did get acceptable results (no raydiosity since we used the free 3.0.2 version).
After that I returned to almost any other program I could try. That resulted in the Render Study on my website.
Somewhere in between I read the book "[digital] lighting & rendering" by Jeremy Birn (
http://www.3drender.com) and I also had a good set of new insight from the book "Illustration in ArchiCAD" by Dwight Atkinson.
At the moment I mostly use Autodesk VIZ and 3ds max and also Cinema4D (especially for rendering).
Did I need to mention that I have become better at rendering in the meantime?
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book