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About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

A problem with Materials

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There is one thing I cannot understand when rendering my own materials with LightWorks Rendering Engine. That´s how I make the materials: I at first make them in Internal Engine and then change into LightWorks material, where they change themselves into something else...:S I just don´t understand why don´t they stay the same? What am I doing wrong?
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You need to click on the "Match with Internal Engine" button in the materials dialogue to transfer settings across to LW.
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Yes, I know it and I also do it. After pushing the "Match with Internal Engine" button the duplicated texture changes, but it doesn´t look as good as it looked in Internal Engine. It changes in LightWork...in something totally different.
This matching process is imperfect.

You'll be having light reflection problems - your diffuse reflection is probably set too high.

Please post three things:

the texture image
the internal view
the liteworks view
Dwight Atkinson
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It is the texture. It looks a bit better, I made it smaller for the post.
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It is Int.Engline view
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It is a LightWorks view
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Materials options
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Post a shot of the Lightworks Shader Settings tab please. That's the important one! If you could show the settings for all the 'classes' (Colour, Reflectance, Transparency, Displacement, Texture Space, Pipeline) it should be easier to work out what the problem is.
Here's the problem:

Aside from the fact that you present an impossible dialog view [the lightworks engine with internal engine adjustment sliders] that makes me suspect that you have a huge installation problem, you have called a number of alpha channel effects that cannot be applied through a JPEG image. OF course, it might only be jpeg for posting to the forum....

Turn these off in the internal engine, then rematch in LightWorks.

Post again.
Dwight Atkinson