About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Another try in v-ray...

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Hello, this is my second render in ArchiCAD + 3d max. I would like to hear your opinions about it. Render time: about 30 min...

Dwight wrote:

I'm programming this today. Red enough for you?
Based on this picture, I have to say that your frontal appearance is quite different than your back view would have led me to believe.
Richard Morrison, Architect-Interior Designer
AC26 (since AC6.0), Win10
My nose IS bigger than that.

That's Natasha.
She's running the software and putting up with my jokes.

"Why does liquor come in square bottles?
So it doesn't roll out from under the seat!"
Dwight Atkinson
Dwight wrote:
That's Natasha.
She's running the software and putting up with my jokes.
One can only speculate what her salary must be!
Richard Morrison, Architect-Interior Designer
AC26 (since AC6.0), Win10
Not applicable
WhiteMan wrote:
Little update, what do you think?
Awesome that is really tweet! Thanks for the render time, puts Vray into perspective.
Not applicable
Burginger wrote:
Thanks for the render time, puts Vray into perspective.

Yes, Mark, it does!

For the rendering:
- What is that black on the chimney? Painted in two colours?
- Wall and ceiling are the same colour - much better if different. I mean better for the picture, not the architecture! 😉
- RED wall - if you like red, leave it, but reduce shiness. If it is a Vray mat reduce glossiness, if Max mat - specular=0. And no reflections!!!
- Choose a different colour for the chair - yellow chair on yellowish floor?!