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Anyone attempted use camera setting for panoramic view?

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I am here to ask some questions to see if anyone know how to use.

I am trying to attempting to create a perspective video from interior environment. I thought to use camera setting tool and using flying through tool and it seems ending up as walking path which I do not want that. I just want to make a video from left to right view but recording from between the cone from the camera itself. How do I create panoramic view from camera?

Have anyone done this before? If so, please share with me and it would be great!!!

Not applicable
@vistasp about the window Microsoft Image Composite. Wow, I never seen this before. That is a quite nice. Unfortunately, I am using Mac.... I will figure out something else somehow....
I'm sure there must be some excellent panorama stitching apps for Mac but my experience with the ecosystem is too limited for me to offer any suggestions. Hopefully someone else here will have some ideas.

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= v i s t a s p =
bT Square Peg
| AC INT | Win11 | Ryzen 5700 | 32 GB | RTX 3050 |