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Can solid fill texture be ascibed to glass material?

Not applicable
Can anyone suggest a way in which glass can be given a texture ( ideally solid fill say 50%) to enable shaded elevations to have shadow in black and window glass shown as dark grey. We can only get vectoral textures to work and they do not look very convincing. Is it possible to use solid fills as a material attribute to glass. Any help gratefully recieved. Cheers Rod
You can't have a 'solid' fill at 50% but you CAN make a solid fill be grey.

I suggest that you duplicate the Glass material and edit the Vector Hatch like this:

100% with a GREY pen.
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
Thanks for that. We have managed to get any vectoral hatch pattern to manifest itself on the glass in elevation view. However, ideally we wanted a solid fill surface as the vectoral patterns dont give as good rendition as the solid fill shadows that you get in elevation settings. We are trying to use shadows and vectoral hatching in simple B+W elevation setting not shaded.Maybe this just isnt possible? Rod