About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Corrugated V renders horizontal - how to you get it vertical

Not applicable
When selecting a wall material to be "Corrugated V" is shows correctly in the GDL 3-D view, but rotates to horizontal in renderings. Is this just the way it is or is there a way to correct this?

BTW: "Corrugated H" renders horizontal, too.

sglazebrook wrote:
When selecting a wall material to be "Corrugated V" is shows correctly in the GDL 3-D view, but rotates to horizontal in renderings. Is this just the way it is or is there a way to correct this?
in your materials settings there are different settings for each type of render: you need to ensure that both the internal and lightworks rendering engine material settings rotate the texture as well . . .

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