3ds max (as most CAD/3D software) has a limited accuracy. This is usually never seen in real models, since the accuracy is high, but it is limited. Once you have put the whole model very far from the origin (X=0, y=0, z=0) then problems can occur.
You can try to play with the scale setting in the ArchiCAD export and also make sure the whole ArchiCAD model is close to the world origin.
I've have some smoothing problems with 3ds max and they are usually related to the mesh not being correctly welded in 3ds max.
Try this: select the editable mesh in 3ds max. Go into "point"-mode and select all points. Weld, using a suitable treshold (which is dependent on the scene). This makes sure that all vertices that lie on top of eachother to be welded and thus shared in the mesh.
Using a smooth modifier cannot work correctly if the mesh is still unwelded.
To check if the mesh is welded, try going into point-mode and select one single vertex (e.g. at a corner of a window). Move it and see if the mesh follows or breaks apart. If it breaks, you have to weld the vertices.
There is a Maxscript plugin from Marc Lorenz
http://plugins.angstraum.at/ which helps with importing 3ds-meshed from ArchiCAD into 3ds max.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
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