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Glass reflexion of the phisical sky

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Hello people,

How do I get the environment reflection in the windows, like the sky and surroundings..My windows look pretty dark..and they do not reflect the sky..
For rendering i used the basic settings (see attached print-screen), I have played a lot with the settings, but did't achieve any better result.
Any suggestions ?

Thank you

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The rendering looks like this
Erwin Edel
Read up here: and make sure you setup more layers of transparancy/reflection

Try putting a general light inside, try using some of the other glazing surfaces that are part of the library, to find one closer to what you like.

Cinerender is quite advanced stuff, so there are a lot of parameters to play with. Watch some of the youtube videos on the AC channel, there is a playlist from ArchiCAD18 with a lot of tips for cinerender.

Remember that you can do renders of a small selection usinig the marquee tool so you can preview what is happening, rather than waiting for the whole scene to render.

Good luck!
Erwin Edel, Project Lead, Leloup Architecten

Windows 10 Pro
Adobe Design Premium CS5
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Hi YS, the thing is in the material, look at this pic, in 1, I render with the regular glass clear fast, in I add a cloud procedural in the environment channel, and raised the brightness to 14 with no further adjustments.
This is just the beginning, you can play around with the environment setting, I advice to read about it in the Archicad Help to better understand how this channel works. You can even use a sky texture to reflect in your windows.
I'll let you take it from there.

PD: Even though I understand you want to reflect the sky in the windows (cause I also want to do it sometimes to make the view more impressive), sometimes is not so realistic having those reflections. Use them with precaution.
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Oh, Erwin Message came first

Also in this pic I deactivate the Exclusive option from the environment channel and get the reflection in the full window. As Erwin said, Cinerender is advance and has a lot of options.
Again, read about the environment channel to understand how it works.
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I got this with a HDR environment. only problem is that it doesn't reflect on het whole facade!
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ricazzz wrote:
I got this with a HDR environment. only problem is that it doesn't reflect on het whole facade!
Yeah, that's weird. I get the same results. Did you find a way to improve the reflection?
Erwin Edel
Just wrote similar reply on other topic:

Go in to Detailed Settings, all the way at the bottom there is Options > General Options.

Look for Ray Treshold, Ray Depth and Reflection Depth.

Try setting the Treshold to 0, this will reflect everything in your scene, sometimes the cut off percentage gives weird results. Render times will increase a bit.

Ray Depth and Reflection Depth are how many layers of transparancy will be passed. I ussually have these around 12 both to allow enough windows to be shown. This will also increase render times a bit.

Regarding the example image above, the difference in reflection is due to refraction and the different viewing angles. If you want completely mirrored facade: use a mirror surface, not glass or play with the refraction settings of the glass surface until you get your desired look.
Erwin Edel, Project Lead, Leloup Architecten

Windows 10 Pro
Adobe Design Premium CS5

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