I enjoy this 3D presentation model. I will work to explore it further. I don't like the idea of using it for interiors. The only interior presentation method I care for would be fully rendered views. This presentation method does look nice for building exteriors and sectional perspectives.
Meanwhile for you OSX users, here is an update for your JAVA:
And while you are surfing check out the latest test of the Aura Circle Home project. This one is easier to view and you can print too.
This is an interesting effect:
Now I will take a step back into the Cinema4D model and apply textures, perhaps a little ground cover. I think WireFusion has a winner application here, great interface.
The VRML file is now down to 173 kb after the WireFusion compression, and the final presentation is 255 kb (including the player). Impressive when you think that the original VRML model from ArchiCAD was 12MB! Of course my ArchiCAD file for this project is 17MB.
Does anyone out there have any comments regarding download times and compatibility? DJ?
This would be a great way to showcase individual ArchiCAD objects on a web site such as Objects Online.
Stephan, are you using the version 4?