Here is something I really enjoy seeing. Try out the WIREFUSION free demo, works for 30 days.
After just 15 minutes with the program I was able to import my ArchiCAD model, it will be just a matter of time and patience before I learn how to set up a scene in the program and export the results for all to see. Who knows I might not even look at a manual. My favorite programs are the ones that allow you to have success within 1 hr. without reading a manual.
Method that worked best so far was to export as 3ds from ArchiCAD and then import into Cinema4D and then export as VRML2. Going straight from ArchiCAD to VRML resulted in a 24MB file that did not work. The VRML export from C4D was only 8MB. WIREFUSION can reduce the size of the model way, way down. Like I said I will post all the facts as soon as I figure them out, but so far I really like what I see in the WIREFUSION program.
The Archicad model shown gives these stats when exported to WIREFUSION format for the web:
Download size:
532.7 kb
(532.7 kb incl. streamed resources)
2D Engine: 30.1 kb (cached)
3D Scene Engine: 44.0 kb (cached)
Preloaded: 458.5 kb
Streamed: 0.0 kb
Download time:
56 kbps: 77.9 seconds
128 kbps: 34.0 seconds
512 kbps: 8.5 seconds
2 Mbps: 2.1 seconds
Very impressive, seems that real time architectural models can be shared on the web.