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Interactive Presentation

G'day guys & girls, hope you can help.
One of my clients wants to be able interact with a 3D model (either ArchiCad or C4D, but i'd prefer C4D for quality). It's not just flying around the model etc but he'd like to manipulate materials and colours. The software could be just like QTVR, jumping from spot to spot or fully interactive for movement.
He could use photoshop and (using buffers in C4D) create masking to varie hue/saturation etc but I think realtime movement and colours would be great.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Warwick Lloyd-Martin
3 D E N V I R O N M E N T
Windows 11 Pro 64bit
ArchiCad 4.55>27 AUS
Lumion 12.5/2023
D5 Render
There is no perfect solution for this...
but there is hope.

You have to decide upon a few things:
1 - do you want an automatic conversion or is it acceptable to do some manual work after a model is modelled & exported?

2 - do you want the client to load a CD and start walking or is it acceptable that he/she needs to install software first?

3 - does it have to be a PC & Mac-solution?

4 - does it have to be online, with a webbrowser?

Different tools give different results.

I have a short overview of different tools, but there are other possibilities.

EON Fastview can export the model directly from ArchiCAD. Not available for all ArchiCAD-versions...

Some independent web-3D tools can work with VRML-models. ArchiCAD can export them and so can Cinema4D. Not sure which of the two works best...

There is a large set of solutions that works fine with 3DStudio (3ds max or Autodesk VIZ).

Some formats generate a real 3D-environment (Cult3D, EON, Shockwave, AXEL, ...), while others are pre-rendered and thus not 100% interactive (Quicktime, Swift3D/Flash).

If you want real interaction (that is, actions that get generated upon clicking) then VRML, EON, Cult3D, Shockwave and similar can do a lot of things, but it will be an elaborate work in a seperate program to prepare it.

Licensing: some applications are free to use, but require a license fee to publish, while others are expensive, but you can publish at will.

Compatibility: most work on PC-only. Web-tools are often also supported on the Mac.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
Thanks Stefan,
Great amount of information available in your links.
The main criteria is
-one clients who will buy software if needed
-PC based
-aim is for him to be able to change textures/colours of materials.
I've tried several VRML viewer etc but haven't found one that gives you the abiltity to change textures.
I'll have a good hunt through your links and see if I can source anything in there.

PS. Sorry for the late response, Saturday morning here and it's hard to get feedback at resonable times since you guys are so far behind us in time and living up side down
Warwick Lloyd-Martin
3 D E N V I R O N M E N T
Windows 11 Pro 64bit
ArchiCad 4.55>27 AUS
Lumion 12.5/2023
D5 Render
Not applicable
try to use flash+cinema or archicad..

prepare still images or animations for all material alternatives with cinema or archicad..

than at macromedia flash, prepare interface with buttons which present materials..than give links to these buttons
brick button>>scene with brick material
wood button>>scene with wood material

than export as a exe file.

i know i explained very basic and simple but i hope it gives the idea,
Not applicable
Here is a cool solution, Windows users can download the demo and view the files. I like it.




Mark Burginger
San Diego
rtre is cool and can produce a standalone demo, but it's only for 3ds max/Autodesk VIZ and AFAIK cannot change textures on-the-fly.

I think Cult3D can do it. It can work independently, but it requires an exporter software which is only available for ... Maya, 3ds max/VIZ and Strata3D. Once converted, you can edit the actions in Cult3D designer.

Depending on the client software, Blaxxun-VRML client is also capable. ArchiCAD can directly export VRML, but I had more succes using it from 3ds max, though.
Check the http://developer.blaxxun.com/samples for the BMW car configurator, which can change color and texture on-the-fly.
AFAIK, the Blaxxun Contact plugin is PC-only while the Blaxxun3D-plugin is Java-based so might be usable on Mac as well.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
Not applicable
Finally a demo that truly impresses. CHECK OUT!

This demo is eye popping. If you have never seen it I sincerely ask that you view it.


Click on the Juan Saez house, Barcelona



My suggestion would be Macromedia Director...
You can import QTime VRs into it and programme the interface. it will produce stand-alone application (exe file) which you can run independently on any comp off the CD. software will allow you to even make versions for PC or Mac.
to change textures just render all possible options as VRs, import them in and make your own interactive presentation interface...


there is 30-day trial option (I think it is full version) and lots of tutorials on the web
Not applicable
Hello Wokka

I have searched through varies programs, and my personal conclusion is that Turntool is one of the best programs on the market.

The price for the program is unfortunately very high.

For material select options, check link below

Select "House in New York "
Not applicable
I must say Mark that Quest 3D, looks pretty impressive.!!!

Maybe it is worth while to take a look of it.! Have you any idea how

difficult it is to learn?. Because I feel the same way as you do, about how

much time you should spent on a program without using a manual...!!!