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Lightworks in ArchiCad Rendering Errors

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I am unable to render my model using the LWRE. Sometimes during the render the program aborts and other times it gives a 'Not enough memory to render the model' error message.

The first thing I tried was doing the same thing on a laptop with the same ArchiCad configuration but more memory, same problem.

After reviewing other posts on rendering problems, I followed the suggestion of attempting to find the 'bad layer' in my model.

The model overview is in a view called A99 workingallnowall with an associated layer combination of the same name. I created views of A99 workingallnowalla and A99 workingallnowallb and associated layer combinations to split the layers between the 'a' and 'b' views. The 'a' view does render successfully and the 'b' view does always get the memory error.

Next I then split the 'b' view into a 'b1' and 'b2' views, with associated layer combinations (half on each one). The problem now is that both the 'b1' and 'b2' views of this set both render -- making it difficult to track down the bad layer.

I'm basically stuck here, the problem being is that I just can't seem to track down the problem, so any advice will be greatly appreciated.
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the adds-on "polycount" might be of some help. You may have
a look on the objects with lot of polygons and put them in a hidden layer (if the issue is related to the memory).

See the report also. May be it will give you an ID or something
The Report window (File > Info > Open Session Report) displays information about the imaging and listing process, provided that you have checked the Write Report option in Options > Work Environment > Imaging and Calculation > 3D and Calculation Process Check Controls box. (Use the slider next to the Write Report checkbox to define the report as either brief or long.)
It also lists input/output operations, as well as the name and version number of the Add-Ons that have been loaded or by choosing the Options > Add-On Manager command.
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Yes, thanks for the info. I have been looking at the report and loaded the polycount add on.

Right now in the model there are 22,771 polygons. There was one light source with a large number of polygons (like 300,000), but I turned it off while trying to find the problem. Window = 2384 polygons, Door = 640, Object = 9598, lamp = 8854

Like I said before I have split the model into two sets of layers 'a' and 'b'. 'a' always renders and 'b' never renders. Now on the 'b' side I can go through it and turn off layers one by one until it renders. However when I turn that layer off in the master (a + b) set, it still doesn't render. Also, there are many different combinations I can establish in the b set that will cause it to render. When turning off the ones turned off in the 'b' set to cause it to render, the master set still will not render.

Hope this makes sense, I am still stuck and unable to use the LWRE.....
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may be nothing to do with your problem, but download any available
update. For instance see the bug below...but your project is not empty

If you found the layer may be you can try to work with that one only
and try to discriminate the object making trouble, keeping in mind
that only one "dot" of something (like one dot of slab, yes when you split
un slab you may get a lost dot on the middle of your project) make trouble.


"rendering empty projects results in "Not enough memory..." error 52488"

Visualization 53586 - Intersection of roofs planes give wrong angle on extended plane 53028 - LightWorks rendering: foreground image is upside down 53001 - rendering empty projects results in "Not enough memory..." error 52488 - intersection of slanted and round walls may be wrong in 3D
Not applicable
Thanks for the tips. Still no luck yet in tracking down the problem. The wierd thing is that it is apparently not just one bad layer causing the problem. I've divided the layers in half (one that will render and one that won't). As I start going through the half that won't render due to not enough memory, I will turn layers off one at a time. Eventually the model will start rendering, so maybe it was the last layer that was turned off! Then I turn that layer off in the overall model and it still won't render. It seems to be just too big maybe and I need to turn off several layers and it will render (as opposed to there being something wrong on one particular layer). As it is a simple model I don't know why it would be so large.
Not applicable
It is hard to understand...
I can just propose you to test your file if it is not to much confidential
or may be someone else will help ?
Not applicable
It isn't confidential. I would appreciate having someone look at it, as now I am stuck on this problem.
Not applicable
see your private messages
Ah I have archicad 10 therefore I will need an archicad 10 file (likely).
By the way that would be "funny" if this already solve the problem...

have you tried rendering with:
Antialias: set to 1 tick less then best
Method: Final
No lights at all.

try to turn off all the lightsources first (no sun, no skyobject, no sun object). if that helps let me know. than we could move on...
I have many tricks which could help you out, although i don't garantee anything. I'm dealing right now with a 2.5 million polygon model. i have problems though on mactels, but on my g5 renders fine with 2GB memory. So i beleive your polygon count must not be the problem at all.
but still there could be some workarounds for now...

do you use special materials? alphachannel textures? real glass? how much ram do you have?

Mishi Szabo
Urban Strategies Inc.

Dual QuadCore Xeon Intel Mac 8GB Memory
macmiller wrote:
It isn't confidential. I would appreciate having someone look at it, as now I am stuck on this problem.
i'd be glad to try. zip it and flick it through - e-mail address in my sig.

if you can remember the name of the layer that won't render that will help . . .

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