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Making a powerpoint presentation,out of the Archicad project

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Here is what i need:

I want to create a Power point (office 2007) presentation, with a project done in Archicad 12. As for the 3d, it is simple, i just need to render a picture, save it in any image format, and import it simply to the Power point page. But what about the floor plans? How can i import them to the powerpoint? Save them in archicad as .jpeg (is this possible?) and then import them as an image? Or is it better to import them as a .pdf file (again, is it possible to import a .pdf file to the Power point?)

Thanks for the answer.
72 PPI (pixels per inch) is the resolution of your monitor and that is what PrintScreen will capture.

If you want to enlarge it (or increase resolution) without getting artefacts you'll have to somehow vectorise it.

See: Capturing and Optimizing Screenshots for Print
= v i s t a s p =
bT Square Peg
| AC 9-27 INT | Win11 | Ryzen 5700 | 32 GB | RTX 3050 |
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IF you have Photoshop, try this:

Write a PDF from layout at hi res (like 300 dpi). Open in Photoshop, then save to a JPG, GIF or whatever you like. However, pay attention to the resolution settings during the conversion in PS... you want it to match the number you wrote it at.

This works great and yields a very sharp image.

You may be able to find a freeware that converts PDF to JPG if you don't have Photoshop.

Hope that helps.
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Thanks for the answer both of you.

Dave, i have a Photoshop CS2, and i have understood you, but can you just explain me a little bit this:
Dave wrote:
However, pay attention to the resolution settings during the conversion in PS... you want it to match the number you wrote it at.
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When saving file to pdf, at the archicad, i have chosen a 2400 dpi. When i try to open it in (.pdf file) at the Photoshop, i get a settings window, in wich i have to chose, a Color type, is it going to be 8 or 16 bit... and the most important: the number of "pixels per inch", or "pixels per cm". Wich number should i type? I don`t know is the dpi (dots per inch) is the same thing as "pixels per inch"? Is it or not?

While waiting someone to help with the above dillema, i have tried typing the "300" pixels per inch. Everything seems ok, i have got a huge image (about 4500x3000 pixels, wich would not be possible if i have used a print screen button). The only problem with this image, is that it does not have a margins, wich i have set at the Archicad .pdf file. Do i need to manualy add this margins to this .gif drawing (i am going to save it at the .gif for example) if i want to print it (at the beggining of these topic, i said that i want to create a image files out of my .pdf Archicad drawings, cause i need an image files for the Powerpoint presentation. But some time ago, i got this problem wich i can`t solve right now, cause i don`t have a place where to donwload that file (Hotfix), so i am going to solve this problem by opening a .pdf archicad file into Photoshop, editing it (adding a text in it) and then printing it. Oh, i supose this seems a pretty much confusing for anyone that reads this, so i will try to make myself more clear:

After opeing a .pdf Archicad file into the Photoshop, i seems that the margins have desapeared. Do i have to add them (by creating an iamge. enlarged for the marigins and then pasting on it, the image i got for the .pdf) if i want to print that image, with the options(margins) as the .pdf file?
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I think you're VERY close! Maybe I should describe like this:

Print (or 'publish') the layout you want to display in your power point presentation to a PDF from Archicad in Layout mode, just as if you were going to send it to a printing bureau / service. It would be plan sheet size (presumably). I usually write my PDF's at 150 dpi, but for what you're doing I would bump it up to 300. It should be big.. like 4000x3000 pixels or so... depending on your sheet size.

I open that PDF in Photoshop, just like you did, and edit the appropriate settings (color mode, bit depth, resolution). I usually have to tell Photoshop what resolution to use, as it defaults to 72 dpi. Too coarse!

I'm not sure what you mean by 'Margins'. If you mean your sheet border lines, title blocks, etc... Those should be in your layout, and print in the PDF.

However..... ! If you mean extra white space outside the borders lines, then you can do that with the 'canvas size' command in Photoshop.

My process assumes you're writing, or 'publishing' a layout with model views, text, title block, etc. placed, directly out of Archicad.

Hope that helps... Sorry I didn't reply sooner.