About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.


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I`m havin a problem with a defined material, I can`t get it to reflect in the LightWorks renderer.
I`ve red the topic in the Help, but useless.
Here`s a line from the Master Script: (define material "mymat" 2, 25/255, 52/255, 79/255,)
I`d appreciate if someone would tell me if that`s possible.
If you mean a mirror reflection, you'll need to call that exact shader. I am not sure that GDL can do this right now, but it CAN call an exact material from the material library....

Why not redefine the internal material as an external call and describe the material qualities you need in the material library instead of relying on the GDL definitions in the object you are using? That would be a quick solution barring any GDL wizard knowing the right answer....

(sing) work work workaround,,,,
Dwight Atkinson
Rakela Raul
mister lightworks:
did u c the advent site??....artlantis r is almost out......soooo, it wouldnt be a bad idea that your book come out first than artlantis r...dont u think??
just a thought
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Not applicable
Thanks Dwight. Actually I was expecting an answer like this
(and I was hoping just to add a few numbers ) .
I`ll try to follow your advice, though I doubt this is the "quick solution" for me, I`m not very good at scripting.
Reply to Raul:

While I'm not sitting on my hands at all in preparing my book,I apologise again to all for the delays real life has brought this project. Now that the bullet wounds have healed and my eyesight has returned, I'll be hard at work again, altho they say my hearing will probably always be bad, and I'll never play the piano again.

As for any urgency regarding your claims of
Artlantis coming out, as a beta tester of the new product, it seems very good. But, historically, ArchiCAD users rarely move to Artlantis from ArchiCAD's rendering engine. Those that are seriously unsatisfied move to more comprehensive rendering solutions than Artlantis and sometimes change careers. I don't expect the new release to change that situation.

My audience is the regular ArchiCAD user who needs a decent rendering - and wants a straightforward book to help him avoid the pitfalls of illustration.

But thanks for asking.
Dwight Atkinson
Rakela Raul
mister lw:

you dont have to apologize to anybody, the help you provide to this community every single day is priceless...
as a matter of fact, it is an honor to me to have a couple of words with a such talented man and a book writter like yourself
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Thank you.
However, I do prefer Dr. LW....

thinking of starting a newspaper column like Dear Abby, but for the rendering lorn rather than the love lorn.

as in

"Dear Doctor LightWorks, my aluminium is too shiny. what should I do?"

post your questions here...
Dwight Atkinson