Thanks for the reply Matthew.
I will try to add some views, remove the people, also willl try to minimaze that foliage.
But i don`t know hot to fix that 3d library part. It seems that it only appears at the .pla file i have uploaded. I don`t have any 3d or 2d problem report at my .pln file.
I have made all this project with the pc configuration seen at my signature. It was a real headacke - i add something, or move, and then i wait for couple of minutes for confirmation. And all they long like that.
Now, when the project is over, and it needs only to render, i haven`t got a chance to render it at my pc. That`s why i paid around 10 euros, to a friend of friend mine, wich definetly has the best configuration in the city (Dual Core 2x2.4 GHz AMD Athlon, 4GB RAM, Ge Force 7600 GS, Windows 7) so that i could render it at his place.
About RAM, i supose that it depends on a high of salary. The average salary in Serbia is around 200-250 euros (and you can guess that this average is made with the salaries of the politicians, and gouverment officials, and common people ones, so when it comes to common people ones, they are much lover that those 200-250 euros). For example the model "Kingston ValueRAM 1GB 400MHz DDR Non-ECC CL3 (3-3-3, 2.6V)" is around 33 euros (the 512MB ones can`t be find on a market any more, you can only buy it as used one). As i am still a student (and probably will get the first degree in my class, among 120 people) and depend on my fathers 320 euros pension (wich is quite a lot compared to the average i mentioned up there) those 30 euros look quite high for me.
I am apologizing for posting this kind of stories, cause this forum is not a place for that kind of stuff.