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Publish movie for web site

Jef Forward
Can anyone help with some general guidelines, tips and or tricks for creating a movie file for website use. I am looking for a medium to good qaulity movie that loads relativly quickly. We are working in AC 8.1 and Artlantis 3.0 We are producing 2 movies, one exterior and one interior. The exterior is a vr object, and the interior is a fly through. Is there a file size I should stay under? This is our current movie, which will be updated to include at least shading, but I would like to include materials and surfaces as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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For one, 21 Mb of movie is way to much for the net.
Another thing is, movies are but a part of what you can do online.
I suggest you check this site:
choose site interactivo
sorry it is in portuguese, but it is intuitive.
As you can see, I put a lot of fixed images, and the movies are split into "little" manageable scenes.
Have fun
Jef Forward
Wow, great site. I can utilize some of those concepts on our larger stuff.

Your right, 21 megs is too much. Trying Quicktime Pro, seems to be working quite well.

What did you use for compression? Quicktime? Premiere?...just curious

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there are some great tips in previous postings

see http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=4380

and http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=3859

have a trawl thru some of these earlier postings and you can find all the info you will be looking for..... and more..........
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Not wanting to get into the mac/pc conundrum, you are giving me a golden opportunity here, so I won't be able to keep my mouth shut...
I use the totaly free windows xp software, windows movie maker 2, which, unlike Imovie, is a great editing software, and, unlike premiere or
quicktime pro, is free!
This software allows you to compress videos whichever way you like.
Ah, did I tell you it's free?
After that, it got compressed (again) on Flash, whith the Sorenson Spark guizzmo.
Flash ain't free...
But WMM2 is!
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First of all, no matter what you used, great job on the web site!

For your information..... iMovie is free too! It comes loaded on every Mac. And if $30 for the industry video standard Quicktime Pro that can author in anything including MPEG-4 and comes with Sorenson 3 compression is too much....just rememeber what we all paid for Archicad. As for Movie Maker it only supports .avi, .wmv and .mpg. Quicktime supports 26 different formats.

I think the following site has all the pros and cons for the two programs and you can decide what is more important for your use:
I suggest to shell out a small amount of cash for a decent but cheap video-solution:

Sony Vegas Movie Studio (Windows)
Final Cut Express (Mac)
Adobe Premiere Elements (PC-only, I think)
Or the free AVID freeDV (Mac & Win)

These are all light-versions of a more powerfull professional solution.

Then you don't have to be conserned about the shareware/freeware apps shortcomings. After all, you paid thousands of dollars/euro's for ArchiCAD...

Oh and the formats?
MPEG (but use a small resolution and cut the fps)
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
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Jef, please consider studying this site, I feel it is something worth viewing. You can download the movies and view their properties with QT - study the size and compression methods used.


Mark Burginger
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Jeff Mayland, thanks for the very informative link. It deserves another, this one for the iMovie inclined users.


Mark Burginger
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Thanks Mark for the iMovie link. I just installed 26 FREE plugins. I also bought one that lets you place text wherever you want in your movie for a whole $3.50!! (which was the only feature I thought Window Movie Maker had that I wished iMovie did)

I still create VRs of my model on it's site for my clients because they get to spin around the model and I don't have to create dozens of perspectives. I post it on the web so they can view it with other "opinionated" friends. The quality isn't great but it still is "eye candy" for the less demanding home owners.