Yep. Fuzzy logic

It's going to make sense to a computer, and maybe to a computer programmer, but not to an architect. I don't know about you, but I don't tend to think in terms of azimuth and altitude - I think in terms of date and time. So, the only way for me to check whether the azimuth & altitude are the correct date and time that I need is for me to re-enter the correct date and time! Un-necessary data re-entry is a big no-no.
What if I wanted to work backwards to find out what date and time was used in a previously saved view? The only way to answer that is by trial and error.
I reckon that's sufficiently fuzzy logic to require at least some form of alert/warning icon when the two don't match. Then, down the track they should have one of those link icons between the two, so we can permanently synch them if we choose.