Hi Mishi, thanks for your reply.
I've done some more diagnosing and here are the results....
I had a look at the image sizes as you suggested. As i mentioned in the first post, i'm comparing between two projects, Project1 (problem file) has fewer images than project2 and the sizes are much smaller. The image files are fairly large though, the largest image size in the problem file is 6mb and all the others are less than 1mb. in the second project, however, the highest file size is 16mb and the rest are all OVER 5mb, and this project renders fine with twice as many images loaded compared to the problem file... so while i acknowledge that the images are quite large, i can't understand how that can be the root cause of the problem because it's not happening universally....
Next i tried turning off all the image objects in the problem file (just to be
sure that they were causing the probjem) and sure enough it rendered fine... so it's definately a problem with either the image files or the object file that displays them...
Next i tried zooming out to show all the objects in the project and funnily enough it actually rendered despite there now being more than double the number of images within the rendered view... i can only assume that the amount of detail loaded from each image is directly related to how close the image is to the camera...? even so there was now twice as many images to load into the rendering.... funky
(it's worth noting that the render time estimation is still more than 20-30 times too much)
next i tried only turning off the images one at a time, to see if there was a gradual decrease in the render time and the time estimation. the effect was minimal... only a very slight decrease in render time with the decrease in the number of images....
Next i turned off all the slabs and roofs so that each image object was completely exposed to the camera ( see attached image to explain) and now the render crashes again with a 'not enough memory' error message, which would suggest that it couldn't handle the number of images that it had to render... this is odd because as you can see in the image, the slabs all have a transparency to them, so even with them turned on, it still has to render at least a small part of every image... again this would suggest that the problem has something to do with how much of the images are loaded.... or how much detail from each images is loaded...? maybe the engine decreases the image resolution at will??
I also tried your other suggestion, mishi, and turned the 3d model to internal engine wireframe. this actually had the opposite effect to what you suggested, the render crashed, on the same view, and this time archicad was reporting over 1GB of available ram at the time of the crash... i switched back to open gl, shaded, and it rendered again... in open gl, the image loaded into the object is displayed in the 3d window, whereas in wireframe, obviously, it's not... again this suggests the problem has something to do with how much of the image the engine has to load...
unfortunately this doesn't appear to be a stable problem.... i zoomed back in to try and re-render the view that was causing the problem in the first place, and this time it rendered.... i'm really confused
incidently... in the problem file, the images types are jpeg and a tiff, in the other file, which renders fine, the images types are tga...
hmmm, if anyone has some insight it would be much appreciated,