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building close to complete

Not applicable
now that we are getting close to complete our 1st bldg in archicad.. does this software has a special... presentation it can do, on its own if i email it to someone?..

thanks for the help
David Larrew
You can render a 3D view or 3D VR scene. You can use different render engines to give you different outputs... Photo-realistic to sketch.

And, of course, make PDFs of your floor plans, elevations, etc.
David Larrew, AIA, GDLA, GSRC

Architectural Technology Specialist

a r c h i S O L U T I O N S

WIN7-10/ OSX 10.15.7

AC 5.1-25 USA
Not applicable
I would recommend to try the web reviewer option in the publisher , it allows you to publish drawings, layouts or whatever as an DWFs with an HTML file where you can navigate, play with layers , take measurements, add notes and interact using email.
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