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mesh - making it invisible in plan view

Is it possible to make the regular mesh grid invisible in plan views, and in 3D top views? The only way I can think of is by using the same colour for background and grid.
Cornelis (Kees) Wegman

cornelis wegman architects
AC 5 - 26 Dell XPS 8940 Win 10 16GB 1TB SSD 2TB HD RTX 3070 GPU
Laptop: AC 24 - 26 Win 10 16GB 1TB SSD RTX 3070 GPU
KeesW wrote:
Is it possible to make the regular mesh grid invisible in plan views, and in 3D top views? The only way I can think of is by using the same colour for background and grid.
i take it that another (hidden) layer doesn't suit your purposes?

you could always put a huge wipe-out fill over the whole thing and send them both to the back of the display queue? what are you trying to achieve exactly?

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
We do lots of shadow diagrams. Seeing a grid on the ground in plan view is very untidy and distracting. About layers - can the grid be on a different layer from the main background?
Cornelis (Kees) Wegman

cornelis wegman architects
AC 5 - 26 Dell XPS 8940 Win 10 16GB 1TB SSD 2TB HD RTX 3070 GPU
Laptop: AC 24 - 26 Win 10 16GB 1TB SSD RTX 3070 GPU
KeesW wrote:
We do lots of shadow diagrams. Seeing a grid on the ground in plan view is very untidy and distracting. About layers - can the grid be on a different layer from the main background?
huh? you've got me confused . . . are you talking about the triangulation/ridge lines on the mesh or the grid display lines configurable under 'Options>Grids & Backgrounds...' and 'Options>Grid Display'?

if you're talking about the ridges on the mesh (as i hope you are judging from your first post), have you set them to display only 'user defined ridges' rather than all of the triangulation lines? and what if you use a cover fill on the mesh as well? does this help clean it up any?

can you not use othogonal top-projection in the 3D window and publish the result as a 2D line drawing for your shadow studies?? i must admit i haven't tried this, but it seems like it should be done more efficiently this way?

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup