About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

sun settings in elevations

Not applicable
hi guys, me again...

i have created some elevations but the 'whites' seem very grey, as they look in the 3d window when there is no direct sunlight on them. i have tried to rotate the sun so that it faces the elevation i'm looking at but only minor changes. i have tried to change the section/elevation settings (all of them!) and changed the attributes of materials/model effects etc. but still can't get white whites.

any ideas for a quick fix?
Eduardo Rolon
Try lowering the sun angle instead of rotating it.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

Not applicable
thanks, i've tried that too and although it improves the walls, the roof gets darker!

how can something so simple in priciple be so difficult (if not impossible) in practice?!

also, i recently saw some simple 2D (overhead) siteplans including some basic plant symbols and both the plant symbols and other objects (e.g. house) cast shadows. i think these were drawn in autocad but is it possible to cast shadows in floorplan mode in AC10?