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updating an artlantis file

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I have just finished an artlantis render file on an archicad model and now see that i must add a couple more components,

Is there a way that i can make the changes in archicad and re-open it in the artlantis file with all the rendering settings intact?

This will save me redoing the view angles, materials lights etc.

Another question, can the camera angles in artlantis be saved along with the light settings so that each time you hit on a preset view you dont have to readjust the lighting each time?
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what i do is:
i return back to the archicad file and i add the object that i want to add.
then i delete all the other object and i leave only what i want to add in art-lantis. Then i save it as a vew art'lantis file.
So like this i keep the same location for the new objects when i open the art-lantis.
now open the original art-lantis project with all the cameras and light that you have. go to file and choose open. open the new file with the new objects. It will add to the orginal file that is opened.
This is the way that i know, if you got a better one tell me please.
For the 2nd question, i have no idea how to make it.
i will wait for some to answer this question.
Have a nice day.
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thanks but i am not sure i follow you.

lets say it needs another wall or an existing window moved over, you are saying make the change, delete the rest of the model and then save the remaining element as an artlantis file and then open that.

will that not give me a model of just one element?
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i tried what you said but this method seems to leave the old element there as well and just adds the new element over it.
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What version of Artlantis are you using?

Not sure if Im following this, but, I use Open with reference...... under the file pull down menu, have a look at the manuals or help files for more info.

Hope this helps
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OK i thought it's an totaly new obeject on your model not a modifiction.
Well if it's a modification like to change the place of a window in a wall, i make the old wall in art-lantis invisibel then i follow the method that i have told you.
then i open it and add to the old model.
I hope it will help.
as lennox said, but in a little more detail:

save out the new data from archiCAD and then choose "Open With Reference..." from the art•lantis 'file' menu. (page 18 of the artl•lantis manual - see attached screenshot as i couldn't copy the text: the PDF is password protected)

choose your original art•lantis file as the reference from which it will take shaders, cameras, lighting, etc.

AFAIK this is only from version 4.0 of art•lantis onwards(?)

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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I tried it , it's working very fine.
Moderator Emeritus
jazzdude wrote:
I have just finished an artlantis render file on an archicad model and now see that i must add a couple more components,

Is there a way that i can make the changes in archicad and re-open it in the artlantis file with all the rendering settings intact?
When saving a revised model from ArchiCAD, save with template, using your last saved Art•Lantis filer as a template. You can choose what cones from ArchiCAD and what comes from Art•Lantis, but the geometry comes from ArchiCAD always.

Another way is to Open with reference, but in this case you cannot choose what comes from where - everything comes from Art•Lantis.

How well this works, depends on your ArchiCAD and Art•Lantis version. So please tell us which ones are you using.

If you forgot soemthing (layer hidden when savingm, for example) resave the forgotten, open the Art•Lantis file, then Open again - you will merge the missing geometry.


ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Moderator Emeritus
gobel wrote:
i return back to the archicad file and i add the object that i want to add.
then i delete all the other object and i leave only what i want to add in art-lantis. Then i save it as a vew art'lantis file.
Hm? Isn't it easier to select only the new objects and save from the 3D window? Or hide all the layers excapet the one containing the objects you weant (provided they are all on the same layer)? Only what you see in the 3D window is saved.

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen