Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Hatching – Origin and Orientation in cut Elements

Hello together,

I first thought I raise a competition to see if someone is able to create a hatching für laminated timber that fits in every position. (means starting and ending with complete skins (40 mm here)
But I'm certainly convinced right now that this is impossible in Archicad.

I've tried so many ways now and found no solution.

There seems to be no option to fix the origin of the hatching with the elements one…
…for beams.
(…for slabs it works somehow).
The option in the building material definition talks only about 'orientation' not 'origin'… and it seems that Archicad cope this way with it.

I create a rectangular profile to get more control of the hatching. With 'Orientation to skin', the direction gets turned wrong. (The preview shows the defined hatching direction.)

At the place where I put the beam, the hatching origin seems to be fixed with project zero.

Do I overlook something?
If not, the topic is an (urgent) improvement suggestion
Archicad For Future

archicad versions 8-27 | mac os 13 | win 10
I mean, what was the problem to lock the origin of the pattern to the one of a profile?

... or generally to the elements one?

Moreover with 'Orientation to Skin' the direction of the hatching turns in some case unwanted...)

... or let us define orientation, origin, stretching of fills really in the profile editor?

These options seem always to be grey...

Right now I've the problem especially with laminated timber... but it might be also relevant for other building materials... so I think I'll change the title...)
Archicad For Future

archicad versions 8-27 | mac os 13 | win 10
Not applicable
Hello Snow,
The problem is that the BM fill orientation only takes in account the plan view of the skin. Not the section.
I think you are looking for something like: Building Material Plan & Section cut fills to be seperate.

Edit: I also posted a suggestion for implementation here.
To have a separate fill for sections was still greater. It is one of my long time issues… one of my long list…

If we could have separate fills for plan and section, maybe the topic with origin and orientation was implanted there…
The topic here is a bit "smaller".
Archicad For Future

archicad versions 8-27 | mac os 13 | win 10
Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni

Hi All,


Thank you very much for sharing your ideas in this topic!


I am happy to say we took notice of this wish and I have added it to our Wish List database (please refer to it as IDEA-4309). Hopefully, our Product Management team will adopt this one in the future.


Thank you all once more, and have a great day!

Best regards,


Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer