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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

On-Screen View Handles for Labels


Did I ever mention consolidation and how text editing should be consistent across all the text tools including dimensions, and also initiated with a double click on the text box?


Oops sorry, thought I was commenting on a forum where the developers actually care about their customers...

Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

Personally I find it strange that the text based documentation process hasn't been integrated in BIM authoring tools. I mean the data is right here and being able to reference it directly in an integrated text editor has obvious potential and can hardly be more complicated than the generation of 3D and 2D graphics right? But of course, it would require at least some idea about the actual use of text.

@DGSketcher wrote:

Oops sorry, thought I was commenting on a forum where the developers actually care about their customers...

Could you refrain from these types of insulting comments on the forum? Just because you did not insult a specific person does not mean the comment is not insulting to GS developers in general.

You have made your opinion known about the wish, there is no need for such added comments. Let us keep the conversation constructive.


Loving Archicad since 1995 - Find Archicad Tips at
AMD Ryzen9 5900X CPU, 64 GB RAM 3600 MHz, Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB, 500 GB NVMe SSD
2x28" (2560x1440), Windows 10 PRO ENG, Ac20-Ac27

I'm struggling to be polite here Laszlo, I appreciate you are only the messenger. It's interesting that the recent steady decline of AC has had numerous nudges on this forum from a wide collection of users to get AC back to assisting the architectural sector and not drowning in a sea of irrelevant, complex and incompetent functions, but one little line triggers a reaction. You may consider my comments insulting to the developers, but given the inflationary price increase of AC and the lack of architectural & fundamental improvements over the last five years, do you not consider many here may also be feeling little insulted. Do those on high think we should just suck it up while they play out there fantasy games in a virtual world while the rest of us struggle with modelling, presentation and documentation issues? They may not like my comments, but equally I don't like being ignored especially when I am paying for a service. Consider it a formal customer complaint from which someone should be learning.

Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

@DGSketcher wrote:

...but one little line triggers a reaction.

If you refer to my post, that "reaction" was mine, I was not instructed to write it. And that "one little line" was the latest of a "very longs series of lines" from yourself and several others throughout the last many months now. I am writing this to you, but this is not about you specifically, this might as well be addressed to several other community members.

Regardless of what/how one thinks or feels, this is a public forum where the conversation needs to be kept civilized in accordance with the Community Posting Guidelines, specifically:

"Don’t post content that is harassing, threatening, inflammatory, libelous or defamatory."

"You may question the beliefs and expertise of others as long as it is relevant and done in respectful and non-threatening way."

Everyone is free to express their opinion in these forum, but only say or write things you would say to a real-life person standing in front of you.

Loving Archicad since 1995 - Find Archicad Tips at
AMD Ryzen9 5900X CPU, 64 GB RAM 3600 MHz, Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB, 500 GB NVMe SSD
2x28" (2560x1440), Windows 10 PRO ENG, Ac20-Ac27

@Laszlo Nagy  wrote:

Everyone is free to express their opinion in these forum, but only say or write things you would say to a real-life person standing in front of you.

Which is what I have done. So how else are we to express our dissatisfaction with the way we are treated by Graphisoft?


If you or Graphisoft don't like these comments then take some notice and start addressing the root cause. You will find many of the adverse comments are inflamed by a failure to address the multiple issues that have been repeatedly raised & ignored with pathetic excuses for not fixing them or half baked solutions.

Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

Hi @Laszlo Nagy , and @DGSketcher, It would be very nice to have this extended discussion through private messages with each other. Or start another post to highlight the posting guidelines. We do not want to be sidetracked by the question raised above by @thesleepofreason as we show respect for this post.


I have personally complained in some of my posts and have not been constructive or respectful enough. (The problem is that when we seem to complain, we get more kudos than when we don’t. So we shouldn’t really encourage each other to post negativity by giving kudos.)


Let’s please answer the question raised by @thesleepofreason before we get too distracted.


All cool to make constructive respectful comments.

AC8.1 - AC27 ARM AUS + CI Tools
Apple Mac Studio M1 Max Chip 10C CPU
24C GPU 7.8TF 32GB RAM OS Ventura
Laszlo Nagy
Community Admin
Community Admin

OK, to get back to the topic: the wish has been made, I will forward it to GS HQ for consideration.

Loving Archicad since 1995 - Find Archicad Tips at
AMD Ryzen9 5900X CPU, 64 GB RAM 3600 MHz, Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB, 500 GB NVMe SSD
2x28" (2560x1440), Windows 10 PRO ENG, Ac20-Ac27

I fully understand DGSketcher's frustration and that he made such an ironic post. I am the same way. I have rewritten this post three times so as not to be too inflammatory. This is how our continued frustration over the last 5-6 years manifests itself. Before I continue I want to make it clear that it is not my fun to make negative criticisms where I can. I have been working with this software for 25 years (since version 5.0) so I think I have experience of the evolution of ArchiCAD and my commitment is evident. I have stuck with this software for a reason. I have learned GDL programming. I've written thousands of elements over the years because, especially in the early versions, it was necessary to do so to get the right end result. Yet my colleagues and I did not experience this as a reflection of how bad this software is. It had its shortcomings, but we could see that it was moving forward, if not quickly, not always in the direction we would have liked, but it was moving forward. Based on what we have seen in recent years, that confidence is starting to wane, as many colleagues have said in this forum. Over the last few years there have been a succession of developments that have little or no relevance to the day to day work of many architects (that I know). This is not to say that they are completely unnecessary, but the balance has gone very much in their direction. Of course, it is more convenient to organize attributes and layers into folders, I am happy to use them, but if this was three years later and instead some other more important, time and effort saving improvement was implemented, I would smile. As a concrete example, I can give you the issue of door windows, for example, which I recently read in a post. Windows and doors have remained virtually unchanged for 20 years. We made many of our own doors and window elements because we had to. But this is also true for the complete ArchiCAD element set, it is quite outdated and very few. I could go on with the list, but I think it's understandable. Let's not forget the fact that we are paying for this, according to the recent letter, more and more, and that we would like to get substantial improvements. It is particularly infuriating when it also means a step backwards. What Graphisoft has now done with the MEP add-on is beyond outrageous. In version AC 27 they replaced it with a completely useless version. I'm not exaggerating, it is unsuitable for modeling engineering designs. Of course the old version can no longer be run in AC 27. You can search back in the forum, the answer to this is that maybe it will be usable in AC 28, until then let's work in AC 26.... Therefore, our company cannot switch to AC 27, even though we paid the upgrade price for more licenses. Dear Mr Laszlo, I do not think that you would take it with complete peace of mind that if you pay for something and end up hearing, sorry, use the old one because we have ruined the new one, try again next year, but do don't forget to pay the price in the meantime.
Of course, you can say, if you don't like it, switch to another software, don't cry here. As a business manager it is not that simple, I have to make a responsible decision, I am not only responsible for myself. It doesn't happen overnight, but we have come to the point where we are looking at the possibility.
Dear Laszlo, I don't know if this post crosses any boundaries, but as I see little chance of meeting any Graphisoft managers in person to give my opinion, feel free to send this post to them.
I realize that it was a waste of time to write this post and that I could have accomplished as much as shouting it out the window (which elements would need improvement, of course), but I had to write it down.
I apologize for the length and for the fact that English is not very good, it's not my first language.
Keep up the good work, everyone.

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