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Opening a ACAD 2000 projec with viewports in AC-PM

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I receive a ACAD 2000 project. Several drawings with view ports tied to a model space base drawing. When I open them with viewports in AC or PM I get all the layers on. How is this supposed to work? In ACAD is all correct but I need them in Archicad.

I noticed that PM default translator has the view port option shaded, does not work. But then if one opens a project in AC with a copy of the default translator and then selects this newly created translator in PM, magic the view port opinion is not shaded any longer and it could be used. But then the result is the same all layer bunched open a mess.

I reported this to GS TS and smilingly things do not work. I wonder why I could not go back from a PM view port in to a model space BG Archicad. Is this impossible?