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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

!Restored: Favorites - Styles (again)

Not applicable
I had wished that before but i think its a good oppotunity to bring it up again,

I think Arcicad BADLY needs to revamp the favorites concept and make it what ADOBE calls styles.

For example i have in the favorites a wall. Actually the favorites store whatever information you choose for a wall. Heigth- material- composite-layers... . You can choose what you want it to remember. Till here GREAT.

But now the missing part. (backwards communication i would call it)

1) Selecting a wall for example you dont know if it has a favorite (style) applied to it.
2) You cannot change the favorite definition and auto update every object that had the favorite applied.
3) You dont know what info the favorite has stored so you can edit it.
Just think of how styles are defined in photoshop or illustrator. You press a style and you see all attributes stored listed. GREAT.

Imagine the productivity boost. I use favorites alot. But when i decide to change something i have to manually go all over my objects with a danger of missing some objects.

I think is a MUST_HAVE feature upgrade.

Your opinion?
Rick Thompson
My biggest want is to have favorites automatically load a set favorites file. I use it for standards and I don't know if it had the latest saved version, so I have to reload it, which is ridiculously slow. You should be able to permanently link to a fav file and have it open that one up when you open that pln. Of course, you should be able to have different fav files, if needed. Then you could break the link and customize for a job specific case, if needed.

There is so much unrealized marketing potential here.
Rick Thompson
Mac Sonoma AC 26
Mac M2 studio w/ display
Not applicable
Rick wrote:
My biggest want is to have favorites automatically load a set favorites file. I use it for standards and I don't know if it had the latest saved version, so I have to reload it, which is ridiculously slow. You should be able to permanently link to a fav file and have it open that one up when you open that pln. Of course, you should be able to have different fav files, if needed. Then you could break the link and customize for a job specific case, if needed.

There is so much unrealized marketing potential here.
Yes Yes