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Wishes - New Feature Request for improved Renovation display of Demolished elements


I want to post this New Feature Request for improved Renovation display of Demolished elements.

I have been trying to resolve this challenge at least since AC17 and even got Eric Bobrow to take a crack at this with me, but we came to yet another dead end. 


We need to be able to show Demolished elements in Sections, Elevations & 3D Documents the same way they do on Plan Views. On Plan Views it is easy to show Demolished elements with only the outlines and fully transparent. 


In Sections, Elevations & 3D Documents drawings, we can show Demolished elements only by activating the Transparency in the drawing setting, but then all glass panels in openings are transparent as well. This is not desirable for common drawing practice. 


There is no way with any Graphic Override / Renovation Filter combos to get the Demolished elements to show transparent if the Transparency is not ticked in the drawing settings.


I made this infographic to illustrate the objective and challenges.


Can we PLEAZE get a solution for this FAST?


Renovation for Demoloshed elements.png


Francois Swanepoel
Everything happens in Archicad since v6.5 (2000) ‌
Hiking, Motorbiking, Good food, Gr8! Beer & excellent conversation 😉
#MadeByDyslexia is my unfair advantage – expect curious ideas, creative big thinking & small typos.
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Accepted Solutions

This is already possible. Easy to do, too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You just need a material with a transmittance of 100, a fill of "only background", and that's it actually. Use that for overriding demo elements.

For normal windows' glass use a glass material with a transmittance of 49.

The only thing we would need now is the possibility to override materials (instead of overriding elements).


Section, with transparency onSection, with transparency onMaterial for overrideMaterial for override



Lucas Becker | AC 27 on Mac | Author of Runxel's Archicad Wiki | Editor at SelfGDL | Developer of the GDL plugin for Sublime Text | My List of AC shortcomings & bugs | I Will Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again |

«Furthermore, I consider that Carth... yearly releases must be destroyed»

View solution in original post


Brilliant @runxel. Although I was doing all that you described, I did spend applying 100% what you described to be sure there is some differences that could give the aimed end result. And thanks to your inspiration some "magic" (as you predicted) happened 😀 😎...


Renovation for Demoloshed elements - SOLVED.png


This exercise exposed a totally unexpected & counter intuitive response from Archicad.
Huh What...?

Yes, what I mean is that with: (1) the Section Transparency switched on + (2) the a transparent Glass Surface of the Window / Door, we expect to see through the Window / Door glass in this Section... right?. And the same applies to Elevations & 3D Documents.

Well, NO not necessarily.  runxel's comment actually made me discover that when you set the Window / Door Glass Surface transparency to 50% or less, they display as NON-Transparent in the Section, Elevation & 3D Document even though the transparency is switched on. In fact when you set the transparency to 51% or more, they display as Transparent again "wOW".


Definitely not what we expect but it works and finally solves this long lasting need. And we don't need complex or custom workflows to get past the limitation of applying Graphic Overrides on Objects, that for now is not possible.


Thanks again runxel. 👍 This single setting applied to my "Option C" setup was the last missing piece. 



Francois Swanepoel
Everything happens in Archicad since v6.5 (2000) ‌
Hiking, Motorbiking, Good food, Gr8! Beer & excellent conversation 😉
#MadeByDyslexia is my unfair advantage – expect curious ideas, creative big thinking & small typos.
<> www.fusionBIM.co.za <> www.Scirrus.co <> www.BIM2fusedVR.com <> (new) Anatomy of Archicad Course

View solution in original post

Gerry Leonor

the Transparency setting is controlled by the Marker & i don't think you're able to toggle it on/off using Graphic Overrides. You need it turned on in one drawing (Demo) but not in another (Existing/Proposed).

I'm guessing a second marker, one specifically for Demolition, isn't an option? it's just a matter of stitching the Demo marker view + Existing/Proposed marker view together in the Layout. the downside is that you're having to juggle 2 Saved Views/Markers for each elevation.

AC25 | Win10 | 64 bit | 16Gb RAM |Intel i7 8700 @ 3.20Ghz

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Great thinking @Gerry Leonor thanks. 👍

I've tried the 2nd Section / Elevation route, but it becomes a nightmare to manage especially on larger projects with multiple Modules. It really slows down Layouts and Publishing while these views has to update. 


I'm sure there must be a way for Graphisoft to make it possible for us to just have the desired representation of Demolished elements in the same view.

Francois Swanepoel
Everything happens in Archicad since v6.5 (2000) ‌
Hiking, Motorbiking, Good food, Gr8! Beer & excellent conversation 😉
#MadeByDyslexia is my unfair advantage – expect curious ideas, creative big thinking & small typos.
<> www.fusionBIM.co.za <> www.Scirrus.co <> www.BIM2fusedVR.com <> (new) Anatomy of Archicad Course
Gerry Leonor

yes, i woudn't blame you. the Renovation filters do require updating & i doubt this'll be a quick fix. this seems as big as an update as the new stair tool / railing tool.


the double marker method is as clean as i can think of. good luck at your end.

AC25 | Win10 | 64 bit | 16Gb RAM |Intel i7 8700 @ 3.20Ghz

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This is already possible. Easy to do, too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You just need a material with a transmittance of 100, a fill of "only background", and that's it actually. Use that for overriding demo elements.

For normal windows' glass use a glass material with a transmittance of 49.

The only thing we would need now is the possibility to override materials (instead of overriding elements).


Section, with transparency onSection, with transparency onMaterial for overrideMaterial for override



Lucas Becker | AC 27 on Mac | Author of Runxel's Archicad Wiki | Editor at SelfGDL | Developer of the GDL plugin for Sublime Text | My List of AC shortcomings & bugs | I Will Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again |

«Furthermore, I consider that Carth... yearly releases must be destroyed»

Brilliant @runxel. Although I was doing all that you described, I did spend applying 100% what you described to be sure there is some differences that could give the aimed end result. And thanks to your inspiration some "magic" (as you predicted) happened 😀 😎...


Renovation for Demoloshed elements - SOLVED.png


This exercise exposed a totally unexpected & counter intuitive response from Archicad.
Huh What...?

Yes, what I mean is that with: (1) the Section Transparency switched on + (2) the a transparent Glass Surface of the Window / Door, we expect to see through the Window / Door glass in this Section... right?. And the same applies to Elevations & 3D Documents.

Well, NO not necessarily.  runxel's comment actually made me discover that when you set the Window / Door Glass Surface transparency to 50% or less, they display as NON-Transparent in the Section, Elevation & 3D Document even though the transparency is switched on. In fact when you set the transparency to 51% or more, they display as Transparent again "wOW".


Definitely not what we expect but it works and finally solves this long lasting need. And we don't need complex or custom workflows to get past the limitation of applying Graphic Overrides on Objects, that for now is not possible.


Thanks again runxel. 👍 This single setting applied to my "Option C" setup was the last missing piece. 



Francois Swanepoel
Everything happens in Archicad since v6.5 (2000) ‌
Hiking, Motorbiking, Good food, Gr8! Beer & excellent conversation 😉
#MadeByDyslexia is my unfair advantage – expect curious ideas, creative big thinking & small typos.
<> www.fusionBIM.co.za <> www.Scirrus.co <> www.BIM2fusedVR.com <> (new) Anatomy of Archicad Course