Status: Upvoted

We desperately need a built-in keynote system that allows for editing within a schedule (similar to door/window schedules), but also able to be tagged to a non-object such as detail drawing lines, fills, etc. and be searchable throughout the entire project - plans, worksheets, elevations, details, etc.  We want to be able to say that THIS THING (whatever, and wherever it is) is associated with THIS KEYNOTE, and to be able to find all those keynotes wherever they are and modify their data in a single location.


Graphisoft team, please consider this request.



Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni


Thank you for sharing the idea, we truly appreciate the time you've taken to contribute towards the development of the software!

I'm glad to say that this is an existing wish in our Wish list database.
(For future reference, you can refer to it as IDEA-5566)

I hope to see it implemented in the future.
Have a great day!

Best regards,


Hello Minh,

Thank you for the confirmation.  I appreciate how great Archicad is in so many ways and the consistent annual improvements, and look forward to seeing this tool incorporated.



While you wait for GS's solution you may want to look at this:

Hi, just wrote in a different thread about keynotes - just an idea: If the change tool wasn´t needed for revisions, wouldn´t that tool be ideal for Keynotes? Make a load of keynotes (changes) in your office template, and use the unlinked change marker to display the keys, and the revision history object to list the keys and the notes? Graphisoft would just need to copy the code for the change tool and rename it - and add it to an update?

Richard Spracklen

I have developed a Keynoting addon that makes the most of Archicads properties and expressions. It still needs some Beta testing. Let me know if you are interested in a free trial.


Hi Richard,


Looks interesting I would be interested in a free trial 




Scheduelling labels that contain autotext, that's amazing...


This could be associated with properties export/import option, 

Can i have a test version please ?


I've watched the video a couple of times and at the end I cannot figure out where is the addon intergrated...

It feels like at the end what is scheduled are properties of the objects labeled for which no addon is needed.

Obviously I am missing something here so that is why I definetely need to check a beta for this.


as you said, it looks like he is scheduling properties, 

i use the same workflow, the main disadvantage is controlling KN visibility by layout, there are workarounds to fix this, 

let's wait and see !