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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

AC26 Folder BUG/Suggestion: Layer Palette

Eduardo Rolon

At a minimum Folders NEED to be hierarchical and should display as every folder structure in AC or CAD program

  1. For Example:
    1. Rhino Drag and Drop.gif
      1. A Rhino upgrade only costs $500US around every 14-16 months so it should not be a money issue.
    2. This is what we got
    3. EduardoRolon_0-1657983726231.png
  2. Missing options:
    1. Using Folders to control visibility, priority, lock, properties? . Main problem with this is that a layer can only reside within one folder so this has to be implemented in the Layer Combination side.
    2. Click to rename Layers needs to return
      1. 2022-07-15 LAyers.gif


      2. Select All - Unselect All, Lock - Unlock, Hide - Show buttons need to come back.
        1. Layers Missing Buttons.png



Hi - has anyone by any chance figured out how to get these buttons back on Archicad 26? Really struggling without them!!! Please assist!

Barry Kelly

You can't get them back.

They have gone.


CTRL+A will select all layers (CMD+A on a Mac?).

Once selected you can turn the selection on/off, lock/unlock.


You have always been able to do this and with the new dialogue window, these buttons were seen as superfluous.




Thanks so much, Barry. I appreciate the prompt reply. This already helps.


How would I then go about the following:


While working, I want to unlock and view a couple (2 or three) random layers (not part of a specific layer combo) at once. I used to just open the Layer Palette, pick the two or three layers i quickly wanted to unlock and view and that was it. 


For example - I'm working on ground floor on a marketing layer combination (which does not have the MEP Electrical and MEP plumbing layers visible), then I just want to have the MEP Electrical and MEP plumbing on to see if fittings are in the way of what I want to do. I have to now open the Layer Palette, select the MEP Electrical and unlock it and open it's eye, then select the MEP plumbing and unlock it and open it's eye. This gets very irritating when it's a bunch of layers I need to quickly view? 


Do you know of a quicker way I can get this done?

Barry Kelly

You can still select 2 or 3 layers and unlock them all at the same time.

That is no different to what it was before.


But if you happen to have your layers in folders, you will only see the layers in that particular folder you have open.

Unless you switch to the 'list' view where you will see all of the layers in one long list as before.


But to speed things up a bit now, you have the search option.

Just type MEP in the search bar, and all layers that have 'MEP' in their name will show in the list - regardless of what folder they are in and 'MEP' can be anywhere in the layer name.

Then just select the ones you want and turn them on.





James B
Status changed to: Under consideration

Thanks for your feedback.

We plan to continue development in managing Attributes, so I've moved this to 'under consideration'.

We've been working on a new tree view control, that we'd like to roll out in Attributes in the future.

Under consideration

with 32 Votes

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