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AC26 Folder BUG/Suggestion: Layer Palette

Eduardo Rolon

At a minimum Folders NEED to be hierarchical and should display as every folder structure in AC or CAD program

  1. For Example:
    1. Rhino Drag and Drop.gif
      1. A Rhino upgrade only costs $500US around every 14-16 months so it should not be a money issue.
    2. This is what we got
    3. EduardoRolon_0-1657983726231.png
  2. Missing options:
    1. Using Folders to control visibility, priority, lock, properties? . Main problem with this is that a layer can only reside within one folder so this has to be implemented in the Layer Combination side.
    2. Click to rename Layers needs to return
      1. 2022-07-15 LAyers.gif

      2. Select All - Unselect All, Lock - Unlock, Hide - Show buttons need to come back.
        1. Layers Missing Buttons.png

Karl Ottenstein

And no folders for Layer Combinations?


Eduardo Rolon

Glad that they could n't get to screw them up in 26. But true regular folders there is one of the places that they would help. I mean REGULAR working folders not these.


It was said many times in the Beta that for attributes we should have complete hierarchical folder views, NOT this horrible display of folders with sub-folders in a separate box which doesn't work. Why are GS trying to reinvent the wheel? Trying to manage layer setting for a combo using folders is a complete pain with the current arrangement, it means things are no better than AC25 as you still have to use the list view. Implement the hierarchical view properly and you could do away with the list and implement parent folder visibility control.


And my own beta reported & ignored frustration... WHY has the visibility icon moved to the left of the name? It is no more important than the three other setting which still reside to the right of the layer name.

Eduardo Rolon

and the usual Beta answers:

  • it is too hard
  • it is too difficult
  • it is too late to fix it
  • we don't have the time before release
  • it makes AC run slower
  • it only adds X more clicks than before
  • it will be fixed on the next update
  • on backlog
  • by design
  • other users that are not in the Beta requested the feature

Off-topic, but I wanted to ask you: how do you find Vectorworks 2022?

Eduardo Rolon

Even though it is native it feels slower than AC under Rosetta, my mouse does not play nice with it but their composites are nice. Still in the phase of rewiring my brain around it and presuming that 95% of the problems I'm having are "newbie user related".

Starting to work on a residence while I finish bigger projects in AC.


How is it possible to make such a shabby work? I always thought myself "i have to wait years for a new tool/feature but when Graphisoft will release it, that is going to be good". I can even carry on about the "structural engineering" phase they're working on slowing down the architectural side. But the new layer interface seems like a joke.  It took us few minutes to understand how bad this "layer filter" is and this raises the questions of how could this problem never emerged in early alpha/design stages? Is there a internal design review of their work? And more in prospective: is the software i'm investing time and money good for me in the next 2 - 5 - 10 years ? 


As I mentioned above the splitting of the view icon from the other three is stupid. Today I am working through updating my template. I work use the WE setting "Locked layers are hidden in popups". The number of times I have turned on a layer and missed that the layer is locked is so frustrating. If the icons were together there would be less chance of this happening. 😠


Anyone else spotted the strange contradiction that you can dbl-click to rename a layer combination but you have to select the option to rename for layers. 🙄

Eduardo Rolon

It is worse.

You can click to edit the Layer Extension but not the name.

But as they wrote when the bug was submitted:

  1. Click to edit Layer Name will slow down the search
  2. Click to edit the Layer Name is reserved for Folders

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