The BIMcloud API lets you upload, download, and delete files on a BIMcloud.
By default, you can upload, download, delete files using the web interface of BIMcloud, or using Archicad d...
Improvements of the new BIMx Web application
In BIMcloud 2024.1, the BIMx Web application has been upgraded to the next-generation version, which is a c...
Der BIMcloud Projekt-Ordner dient als zentrales Verzeichnis für alle Informationen und Einstellungen zu einem Planungsprojekt.
Die Einstellungen (z. B. Zugriffsrechte) für jedes BIMcloud...
Related version: from 2022.1 Below there are example specifications for every components based on the number of active users. Note that the load on a BIMcloud does not only depend on this, but a...
During the setup process, it came back with your server is set up, then click NEXT. at next, its asking for a BIMcloud Manager's authentication key. Where do i find this at? see a...
Applicable: from BIMcloud 2020.2
To make support for BIMcloud related cases easier and faster, from BIMcloud 2020.2, GRAPHISOFT provides a new support tool to collect the necessary data for i...
Applies to: BIMcloud and BIMcloud Basic from version 19 and above
The status of the BIMcloud Server is Not Accessible, but the BIMcloud Manager is still accessible from Archicad or a browser....
In this article we would like to talk about the management aspects of BIMcloud SaaS (Software as a Service) concerning its features. If you are new to BIMcloud SaaS, this article provides a...
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BIMcloud und Teamwork
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BIMcloud Software as a Service enables real-time, secure teamwork between architects in the cloud. With your BIMcloud Software as a Service subscription, you g...