I have two constructions: one existing and other proposed. We set the
North (Options -> Project Preferences -> Set Project North) and I
considered the Sun position on 21.12.2022, the Eastern time (07:53). By
opening a 3D layout window of the 2 constr...
Someone asked me this question: how to build a circle with a given
radius, tangent to two concurrent straight, flush, some? At first sight
the problem seems simple, but try and tell me some how.
Does anyone know where is the command "Undo roof trim" in Archicad 19? I
knew that is found in the properties of the object are cut. In Archicad
can not find 19 this command ...
I don't understand well what you want to say, but I tried to create a 3D
document, with shadows turned on, with perpendicular view on the sunny
facade of the proposed building. Only part of the shadow is seen, the
other side being hidden by the build...
I understand what you mean ... That is, to move the elevation tool in
the back, on the opposite side of the proposed construction and then to
"hide" the proposed construction. I tried ... It does not work ...