Branden Richards
since ‎2024-07-10

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  • 13 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 2 Likes given
  • 3 Likes received

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Please help, Was working on a model when suddenly doors and windows lost their sashes, and some doors and windows lost their glass texture and took on the texture of the wall behind (note the three panel sliding door became solid black like the wall ...
Mostly title. Was modeling and went back to plan and suddenly the +/- 165' feet just appeared, cannot get it to go away. Not sure what tool would even cause this. Any advice? Operating system used: Windows 28.1  
Looking through the Electrical Symbols in the new 28 Library. Has anyone found a reliable way to replicate the traditional 220v American Outlet? My best solution right now is to use the text and insert a " | " in it but it still appears to thick. Tha...
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