Kathryn W
since ‎2012-03-01

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  • 23 Posts
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we have a number of library parts and a dimension line in a teamwork file that can not be accessed. Hotspots are greyed out as though the items are not reserved by the team member. In the first team members archicad, the items show they are free for ...
I am using hotlinked modules for a townhouse development I am documenting. I have labelled certain items in the .mod file and then placed the modules in my working file, in some cases the module in the working file is mirrored. In the mirrored module...
Can you advise if there is anyway to override the ID of windows/doors/objects that are a part of a module?I am documenting a townhouse development that has one house repeated 3 times. The repeated houses are modules. I am wanting to label each window...
Hi, I have previously set a keyboard shortcut to go to the Last Internal Elevation. Since upgrading to 19, I can not find the command in the customize Keyboard Shortcuts List so as I can actually asign a key to the command. The option is still availa...
I have created a window / glazed door schedule. It appears as I want it to in the schedule, however additional lines appear in the drawing layout. These lines are hidden lines in the schedule (ie when I select the door in the annotation window of the...