Good morning to everyone from Athens!I work on Archicad 25. but I design
interiors, custom furniture and special applications. which
photorealictic software do you recommend as the most suitable? I have
twinmotion, but I think it is not so good for i...
good morning to everyone!I used the Archicad from v6.5 to v13.I'm back
with the v25 and I was expecting more conveniences in terms of the set
of cabinets and kitchen with more options in the parametric object.
Unfortunately I see that I have to fix a...
Hi, I have two questions1) how can i show, in a 3D design, open doors
and drawers in cabinets and kitchen cabinets using Archicad 25 's
library?2) how can i make cabinets and furniturein .gsm format so i can
open and close doors and drawers?
Thank you for your help!While working on the Archicad since 6.5, I had
given up photorealism for years. Also my knowledge of hardware is
limited. I'm currently working withAsus TUF Gaming F15 FX506HE Laptop
(Core i7 11800H / 16 GB / 512 GB / RTX 3050...
Any suggestions and experience in any photorealistic software are
welcome.I do not change the Archicad as a legal holder of a commercial
license but also as a favorite software!thank you all!
Gordana Radonic I refer you to my previous question, where of course
Christophe Fortineau and Barry Kelly gave me some solutions.but
parametric objects are not always so .Recently, I renewed my
license in v25 hoping for improvements in terms of inter...
it would be important for someone to answer.more gdl or param-o? good
morning to everyone!I used the Archicad from v6.5 to v13.I'm back with
the v25 and I was expecting more conveniences in terms of the set of
cabinets and kitchen with more options i...