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since ‎2021-12-15

User Statistics

  • 26 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 10 Likes given
  • 2 Likes received

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If I needed to move an object, I used to do + or - to the relevant coordinates. For example, if I need to move an object 5" from the point, I would drag the object to the point, hit D and type 5"-. The tracker would calculate the distance for me. Now...
Is there silicon solo version that is available for download? 
Dimension marker 22 was a great marker. Unfortunately removed from the current Archicad version. Does anyone know how I achieve this format?
Would someone know why part of the wall would not be visible? Check settings, and all settings are matching visible part (yellow) of the wall. Wall was drawn as a single wall, but for some unknown reason, it is not displayed on the floor plan. I can ...
I have a custom text setup in my Zone Stamp. Where do I edit the value of this custom text? Looked everywhere. Achicad 25