since ‎2022-06-27

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  • 16 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 2 Likes given
  • 6 Likes received

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Project preferences / Dimension is set to 1 decimal, but autotext #Calculated Area return the area with 2 decimals anyways. Is this meant to work like that or is it a bug?
In my Layout index the "Transmitted Date" field show timestamp as well, as a quickfix I've made the column smaller to hide the time, but resulting in ellipsis at the end of the date:Is it possible to get date and time seperated in two fields so we ca...
Hi I'm not skilled enough with the expression tool or code to understand how my expression should be set up and hope someone can teach me: I have 2 "String" value properties that I want to merge, in a new property, but be blank or " " if not both val...


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