You can edit the Curtain Wall 'Scheme Grid' boundary by clicking on the
curtain wall and then clicking 'Edit'. I find it simpler if you turn off
frame/panel/junction. You can edit the blue boundary line to provide a
boundary edge rather than removing...
Have you seen this other thread not sure it's the most up-to-date
approach but it gives some workarounds. We are looking at similar issues
of how to refine the construction drawing elements and how much of the
3d modelling drives the construction det...
I've attached the one we use, as highlighted we are not using Archicad
to its utmost, but I'm eager to improve our own use of the program.
There are a lot of settings when you look at it the whole pen set, the
left hand column out the box provides mo...
When you say you keep them lean, do you just strip out the unused pen
sets or use a reduced pen set with a small number of variations? If you
do, how do you overcome the potentially time-consuming redefinition of
pens in objects and elements? We gene...
This sounds like implementation issues arising from moving from an
AutoCAD (2D) mindset to an Archicad mindset; we have had similar issues
when implementing Archicad. There needs to be company buy-in to define
your preset pens for the graphic output ...