Emanuele Piccinini
since ‎2022-10-28

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in construction site i always use bimX on my ipad pro.i'd like to be able to write notes on the 2d drawings with my apple pencil instead of opening a .pdf file
the zone tool have a great potential, but for me it's really hard to handle.i'd like a more simple and immediate interface to set the parameters and the appearance.
i'd like to be able to divide the project in many design phases and to compare the differences between them.renovation filter permit only two phases and one comparative. the new design option it's a great tool but is not made to keep all the subseque...
i'd like dedicated design tools for many tasks:1) skirting board and tile coverings associative with walls2) Wall and ceiling painting (how can i change color on an existing wall?)3) suspended ceilings4) raised modular floors5) thermal coat oassociat...